Discipleship Training School

Own your faith and discover life through following Jesus and sharing the love of God in the nations.

Upcoming DTS

What is DTS?

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Mark 16:15  

Discipleship Training School (DTS)
is YWAM’s foundational course, established and refined over several decades, and designed to deepen your relationship with Jesus through immersive discipleship, teaching, and outreach. Completing a DTS is a pre-requisite for other YWAM courses or joining our team.

We run five of these 5-month courses throughout the year, with some of these in French and Korean. Read on to discover the life-changing impact of pursuing more of God in your life through a DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

The purpose of the DTS is to:
•Cultivate growth in your Christ-like character through timeless biblical principles.
Sharpen your ability to work with, learn from, and relate to people of different cultures, personalities, and perspectives.
•Equip you with skills and experience to further God’s purpose in the world wherever you go.
•Impart the vision and foundational values of YWAM International, and the host outreach location.

DTS Learning and Living Framework

Transformative learning in the lecture phase and practical skills in the outreach phase.

Phase One: Know God

In the first 3 months you can expect inspiring teaching from local and international speakers.

This training school offers an environment that facilitates the growth and development of your gifts. You will receive daily lectures from world-class speakers sharing teaching, principles, and opportunities for God to speak to you.

Our dedicated school staff are fully available to walk alongside you to encourage, instruct and lead by example throughout this 5-month discipleship process.

International Speakers

A international speaker standing at a podium in front of a class of DTS students at YWAM Lausanne.

Community Living

An image of a woman smiling in front of a group of students in a gym studio, showing DTS community at YWAM Lausanne.


A group of students with their hands up in the air during worship in DTS school at YWAM Lausanne.

Inspiring Campus

Overview of DTS campus buildings at YWAM Lausanne amongst green grass and trees.

Lecture Breakdown

1: God’s Nature and Character
2: Hearing God’s Voice
3: The Bible - God’s Story and our Story
4: Worship, Intercession, Spiritual Warfare

Week 1 - 4

Three students sitting on a couch studying from books during DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

5: Lordship of Jesus, Sin, Cross, and Repentance
6: Holy Spirit and Discipleship: Becoming like Jesus
7: Calling, Destiny, and Identity
8: Godly Relationships

Week 5 - 8

A bible laid out on a desk in a classroom with a teacher giving a lesson in the background during DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

9: The Missions Mandate - Called to the All
10: Evangelism - The Power of the Gospel
11: Working Together, Outreach Preparation and Discipling Nations

Week 9 - 11

Close up image of a student with laptop on lap holding an open bible during DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

Phase Two: Make Him Known

The two months after the DTS lecture phase are your opportunity to put into practice what you have learned by serving on outreach in another location alongside your team.

Every outreach experience is unique, depending on the team and the location. Your ministry will adapt to meet the needs of the local situations, with a heavy emphasis on evangelism. Past outreach teams have engaged in construction projects, taught English, and served children’s programs. Teams have recently travelled to North Africa, Tanzania, South Africa, Armenia, Romania, Brazil and Mexico, to name just a few exciting locations. 

Your outreach team will be led by your DTS school staff, who do all they can to plan the outreach activities and ministries. However flexibility, and being ready for the unexpected, is a key part of the outreach experience! Many teams have experienced last-minute calls from their hosts to lead services, share testimonies or serve meals! The unpredictability gives exciting opportunities to step out in faith and experience God working in incredible ways!

DTS outreach is an exciting opportunity to grow as a disciple of Jesus, as you serve others and see Him bring transformation and hope in and through you!

Why Outreach?

A woman sitting on the edge of a rocky cliff overlooking green trees during DTS outreach at YWAM Lausanne.

Teamwork is essential for outreach. Teams prepare through prayer, strategies, and testimonies during the lecture phase.

Part of a Team

Two men front of a waterfall with their arms spread out during the DTS Outreach phase at YWAM Lausanne.

After months of learning God's heart for the nations, you're ready. Go forth with joy, skill, and compassion to be a witness for God in the nations.

Be a Witness

A woman speaking into a microphone on a stage in front of a crowd of people during DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

DTS outreach is an exciting opportunity to respond to God's call to "go" into the world, to serve and share His love with others and in doing so encourage others into the adventure of following Him.

Make Disciples

A couple of men baptising a third man in the water during the DTS Outreach phase at YWAM Lausanne.

Summer or Winter, Switzerland is Special

Switzerland changes with every season. You can experience sunlit summer adventures and cosy winter scenes in the stunning Alps. All year round, Switzerland is a destination of beauty and inspiration.

Switzerland in Summer

On long summer days in Switzerland, it’s easy to see why it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth! After lectures, play volleyball on campus, bike through the forest, or dive into Lake Geneva’s clear waters. Weekends offer stunning hikes in the mountains.

A landscape of green grass overlooking Swiss mountains against blue sky during the summer DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

Switzerland in Winter

With winter comes snow, "chocolat chaud" and Christmas lights across the City. Within one hour, you can reach the snowy mountains to carve down the slopes on skis, board or sled, trek through the snowy trails or soak up the beautiful views from inside a cosy chalet.

A man in a red jacket hiking up a hill of white snow during the winter DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

The Swiss Experience

A unique learning destination offers a truly enriching experience beyond the classroom.

Experience Switzerland's rich heritage of unity in diversity—four languages, stunning mountains, historic cities, and the Swiss Alps.

DTS in Switzerland

Overhead image of buildings and trees covered in snow during the winter DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

Swiss Night

Every student will experience Swiss Night at YWAM Lausanne - a fun-filled evening of Swiss cuisine, history and games.

A table spread containing Swiss dishes with hands reaching over dipping bread into fondue during DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

Live in Lausanne

Explore Lausanne's cafes, the countryside, and scenic trails near our campus, located just 20 minutes from the City centre and 30 minutes from Lake Geneva.

A cityscape of Switzerland with a lake and mountains in the backdrop during DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

Mountain Trips

Explore and enjoy the magnificent mountains year-round with skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, climbing, and mountain biking.

Students gathered at the top of a mountain overlooking a view of a lake during DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

Discover the Mediterranean DTS

MDTS: Experience missions in action

This is a unique learning adventure pioneered by YWAM Lausanne on the stunning shores of the Mediterranean in North Africa. MDTS embeds discipleship learning in a real-world frontier missional context, blending the classroom with hands-on fieldwork.

Offered at certain times of the year, the MDTS will challenge and inspire you as you explore faith, mission, and community in an unforgettable setting.

Learn More
A cave within a rocky mountain containing a building and stairs from the Mediterranean DTS at YWAM Lausanne.

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We are standing by to answer any and all questions you might have about DTS or our other training courses!

A group of students gathered on a plain of land against blue sky and mountains during DTS at YWAM Lausanne.