Course Objective
The End Bible Poverty Now (EBPN) School is an 11-week program dedicated to training and equipping people to multiply holistic EBPN projects, ministries, and initiatives within local contexts. The heart of EBPN is to see every nation, tribe, and tongue receive, engage, and be transformed by the Word of God.
Designed For
This course is ideal for individuals who have completed a Discipleship Training School (DTS) and are passionate about eradicating Bible poverty and engaging in missions that bring the Scriptures to cultures, spheres of society, and communities. The EBPN school provides the essential training that will enable you to help communities receive and engage with the Bible in the format and way that they need.

Course Benefits
Discover the advantages of enrolling in our program and how it can help you achieve your goals.
Mission Alignment
Join a global initiative to end Bible poverty, contributing to the goal of providing Bibles, Biblical education, and Biblical resources to 1,000+ Bible-less language communities by December 2033.
Cultural Competency
Develop an understanding of cross-cultural communication, which is essential for effective ministry in diverse linguistic settings.
Biblical Literacy Enhancement
Deepen your understanding of how the Bible is written and ways to engage with it to support the production of accurate and meaningful translations and effective Scripture engagement and education in a variety of different cultural contexts.
Specialised Translation Skills
Learn holistic translation principles and competencies, ensuring high-quality recordings of translated Scriptures that are clear, accurate, and engaging for listeners.
Pioneering Principles
Understand how to pioneer EBPN initiatives for Bible translation, distribution, and engagement, building partnerships with local churches, and organisations.
Course Overview
Discover the topics and materials covered in the course, outlining the key areas of study and learning objectives.
The End Bible Poverty Now (EBPN) school offers a comprehensive curriculum that delves into the significance of how Bible engagement transforms nations and the importance of people receiving the Bible in their mother tongue in order to fulfil God’s mission.
Students learn about Biblical oral traditions, explore global theological perspectives, and develop technical skills for creating Scripture in audio and visual formats.
The course highlights the value of community ownership & collaboration within the Body of Christ, equipping students to help communities access and engage with the Bible in their language while building essential cross-cultural communication skills for EBPN work.

Course Activities
Throughout the program, you’ll engage in a variety of activities designed to provide hands-on experience and deepen your understanding of how to End Bible Poverty Now.
These include:
Interactive Lectures
Sessions led by experienced missionaries covering practical ways to pioneer EBPN initiatives through prayer, Bible translation, publication, distribution, and education.
Workshops & Group Projects
Practical workshops and projects simulating real-world scenarios.
Field Research
Opportunities to engage with local language communities, applying learned skills in context.
Guidance from seasoned workers to support your development throughout the course.
Key Outcomes
These activities are designed to equip you with the skills and insights needed to effectively pioneer EBPN initiatives, ensuring cultural relevance.
These include:

Practical Experience
Hands-on practice in facilitating intercessory prayer sets, Bible translation, publication, Bible distribution, and Bible engagement.
Cultural Engagement Skills
Enhanced ability to interact effectively with diverse language communities.
Technical Proficiency
Improved awareness of Bible apps & resources along with developing skills in audio production and editing for high-quality Scripture recordings and publication.
Community & Organisational Collaboration
Experience in working alongside local communities and organisations to ensure community ownership, and collaboration to see Bible poverty ended.
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